Monday, March 2, 2009

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........i hate sec school...): so stressful(sort of).... so long havent post...(: feels so nice to be typing something...(:(:(: besides emails lah...(:(:(: i feel happy!!!! got no hw today!!!!!!! cos got common test... chin was so hard... i think everyone agrees with me...(: right?i hope i dun fail.. i dun think i will but then very scary lor... i guessed so many ques...):physics was quite easy... but i made ONE careless mistake!!!! can you believe it??? i dont...):so i lost marks just bcos i didnt check my work...):):): actually i realised that common tests are very fun!!!(and stressful when the subject is a subject that youre bad at) i only like it cos we get no hw!!!!!!!! >.<

isnt this post boring??? i know, i think so too!! HAHAHA...

her at 5:23:00 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

aiya... dun feel like blogging already lah... nothing to write anyways... byebye... dun expect me to post very often... maybe once a month or even longer than tt...(:

her at 1:08:00 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! today funfair so fun!!!! but then we barely played anything... i painted my nails!!! (cos lillian wanted so i did too...) it is ok... but then i just realised i had piano lesson 2day n i wonder wat the teacher would say... so embarrassing...--"

oh, n nicole had like 50 dollars... cos some supposed to be donated n she didnt donate it so she ended up with like so many sheets of coupons... so after the funfair was going to be over, when we realised tt she had so many left, we were like(u may be wondering who the 'we' is... it is nicole, charis, vannessa, lillian n me!) running around looking 4 'junk' to buy... we ended up buying A LOT of art n craft thingys... so funny lor... aiya, too many things to write... very lazy... (: we took many photos oso... n... i cant think of anything else... ><

her at 2:07:00 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL DAYS LEFT!!!! ^^ n summore the two days r funfair n the graduation party(what to wear?!?!?!?)... but then the graduation party only takes up2 hrs of school days... then the rest of the hrs still school... but then got no work so its fine... (:

i went to lillian's church plse camp... it was so fun!!!! but then so sad for the games i not same group as lillian n charis... ): but then at least we slept in the same room...(: oh, n lillian, r u trying to say i am the weird one or qiu jing (is tt how her name is spelled?) is the weird one...(in ur blog u said so... if u dun get wat i mean) i find qiu jing very weird... >< no offence to her though... ^^ the sleeping part was ok lah... but then the first night when i slept on the sleeping bag(i didnt bring so i used charis's) i barely slept at all lors...): the floor so hard then i got no pillow oso... but then second night was better... i slept on the bed... the bed was not very soft but then it was better(MUCH) than the sleeping bag. but then i shared a blanket with lillian n she kept pulling it away frm me n was like freezing lor.. she so mean.. n before we slept was so fun!!! we tou1 tou1 ate(when we are not supposed to) in the middle of the night, cos we could not fall asleep n we were hungry.. so fun.. the games were ok lah... the first evening the game was so fun!!! we had to use a cup to wet ourself until this person(dun ask which person) will say we r wet enough then we have to go to this tub of water(not very shallow) with grapes inside then we must use our mouth to try to pick up 3 grapes... tt part was hard.. then later we had to use our mouth(again)to try to pick out a marshmallow from a pile of flour(the marshmallow was inside) part was hard too... especially when ur face is wet then the flour will stick to ur face... last but not least, there were 4 people holding this sheet(?) with water n flour(?) inside n try to find a soap bar or something like tt... tt was easy.. (: then we had to run back to our group... so fun so fun so fun... the other games were ok ok lah... the food oso ok ok lah... but then i tot there was going to be only one or two wet games but then practically ALL the games were wet... not all.. but most...

anyways, the camp overall was super duper fun lor... heehee..ok...wadeva... so wat to wear 4 the graduation party ar??? i got nothing to wear!!! i think i just wear a skirt(?) n a shirt n tick a random box 4 the theme thingy... (wadeva i'm talking abt) ^^ oh! n i cant believed i missed a grand total of four episodes(2 shows ma) of t.v shows during the camp!!!! actually i could watch during the camp but then lillian didnt allow sad hor... summore i let her watch her show :(

her at 12:40:00 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

P.S.L.E IS OVER!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! graduation party is coming!!! fun fair!!!! argh!!! (nice 'argh') im so the very the very the very the very the very happy lor... >.< but then we study 6 (!!6!!) years 4 this then its over in like, 4 DAYS?!?!?!?! but then i very happy... from today onward dun need to worry abt studying or hw or ....... work(?) anymore!!!!(: got so many fun things to look forward to(except social etiqutte, hip hop(?!?!?!) n rock climbing)... hees(sounds like im 'hissing')... tt is like practically everything? but then still got other FUN things!!!!! as in 'fun'... if u get wat i mean...--" i dun get wat i mean.... nvm....

i hope i did well 4 science... so far i got like SOOO many mistakes in the sec A... ): i so sad lor...but then who cares!!! i get to watch t.v... i always get to but then the hols coming then can watch like 24 hrs a day? maybe just 23 lah... need one hr to eat!!! no... maybe 20... i need 4 hrs to eat!!! eat eat eat eat eat alot!!! all junk food though...(: then i get fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat!!!! but i dun wan to get fat...(even if lillian says tt im already fat cos i eat so much, i dun care... i dun think im fat... as in annette's kind of FAT) i so hope she isnt reading this... heehee...y should i care if she does anyway?! not like i like her right? ewwww... i dun think she has any 'friends'... she just like stick to anyone... so irritating...>.< my hand so tired liao... i dun like typing... (: so get tired very fast...(:

PSLE IS OVER!!!! (just to keep u happy!!!)

her at 5:22:00 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

i clicked on the CreatePost button.
i lay my fingers on the keyboard.
and then i realised that i have nothing to blog about.

awww ~ pathetic. <33

her at 10:14:00 AM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

HELLLOOOOOO DUDES! KEREN TAN IS IN DAH HOUSE! hohoho... i very happy today... got no hw n nothing to do at all except maybe learn mo xie... but then tt is only a minor thing... im going to watch t.v the whole day!(with all my free time, tt is if i have any) anyways, i dun care wat is going to happen today, im SO THE VERY HAPPY!!!! HAHAHAHA

*change topic*
(i read this somewhere)

It's not the fault of the student if he fail his exams
because the year ONLY has 365 days.

Typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest .
Days left : 313 .

2. Sunny days - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left: 263.

3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE.
Days left : 141.

4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left :126.

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30days.
Days left : 96.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days.
Days left :81.

7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days.
Days left: 46.

8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40days.
Days left : 6.

9. For sickness - at least 3 days.
Days left :3.

10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days.
1 day left.

11. That 1 day is your birthday. How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!

Balance = 0 days .. ~ How can a student pass ????

hee... i tot this was nice...i should show this to my mummy!!! ><

her at 3:05:00 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AHHHHH!!! the new soap I'm using now(the old one is finish):) is sandy!!!! i don't like it tt way!!! the old one was not sandy!!! >< blueh!!! feels like someone put sand in the soap... but then i think it is supposed to be like tt... (: i cant wait 4 psle... i wan to get back my results... i wan to get higher than my sis... i think i said tt a lot of times in my previous posts..--" but WHO CARES!!! HAHAHAHAHAH... whoohoo.... i feel so happy!!! aitch(H). aye(A). pee(eww..anyways, it 'P' i bet u knew tt). pee. why(Y)!!!i think the 'so- called' spelling 4 the letters r all wrong... --"

today music was H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E!!!! i almost died!!!! our group was supposed to be presenting the music project n i started laughing(REALLY hard) when i was halfway speaking!!!! i couldn't stop then Rachel had to speak 4 me...--" omgosh... i was so embarrassed but then i still could not stop myself...): hees.. anyways... when my first speaking part was over(Rachel did the last part... cos i laughed...remember?) i stopped(laughing).. but then since i got 2 speaking parts, i tried NOT to laugh 4 the other one but then halfway through i started to laugh(AGAIN)... but then i managed to finish reading the whole part... but then after i started laughing the rest of my speaking part was like half laughing half speaking... but it wasn't so bad... i didn't look at the rest of the class so i did not know whether they were irritated... i bet they were...): Lillian said it was because i was nervous(i was never good at speaking in front of people)... but then i think i was laughing at something... i knew i was! but i cant remember tts all... but then i WAS laughing at something... i couldn't be laughing 4 no reason at all...(:

her at 3:41:00 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

YAY!!!! chinese n english listening over already!!!! i so happy... chinese actually was quite easy... n i tot it was going to be very hard....(: but then english is soooo hard... i almost died in the hall lah... i mean, when we were doing english... chinese i did not die though...(: im starting to L.O.V.E chinese now...(: hehe...

i so cannot wait 4 psle to be over... then we can noe our marks... i hope i beat my sis...(: i also hope i can beat my cousin too!! he same age as me... 17 days older...(i think) but then the principal so bad... i dunno whether is the principal wan or wat lah, but then dunno y must have supp after listening ... so bad... its not like we learn anything during supp class... but then at least i got to eat lunch in school...(: but then i think even if got no supp i think i will still eat in school... cos my bus uncle said got no school bus...

noe wat? i change my skin!!! u can obviously tell lah...(first thing u notice once u came i bet)but then makes me feel happy telling u!! nice? i find it ok lah... but then i think its a bit too girly... i think i should get used to it.. anyway, i got nothing to write, byebye... <3

her at 3:20:00 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

HELLO people... we change seats already!!! i dun mind my seat lah... at least im under the fan n im not seating next to u-should-noe-who...(: but then very near the teacher... tts the only bad thing.. but then its better than seating next to u-should-noe-who(by now)...

i just realised tt actually our class get very little hw...i not saying tt is bad lah... i mean, its gd lah.. but then other classes got like 5 test 4 just 1 weekend? i think the teacher mad already... (theirs) mrs quek quite irritating though... school going to end she still wan to do the listening... ugh.. irritating... but then i nvr miss my bus lah... i dun like taking school bus... i rather eat in school then later go hm by public bus... i dun like eating at hm... but then my mum wans me to eat at hm cos she pays 4 the bus then if i dun take then very wasted...): nvm... i think u find it very boring reading this right? i would find it very boring if it is not my blog...(:

anyways, im VERY happy abt my prelims marks!!! cos in the report book the round up then i got 237!!!!! but then i told my mum tt since my sis psle deprove by 20 something marks then i will improve by 20 something marks! i hope...--" but then i think its I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E... not quite actually... but then i didnt even get 4 As... 4 prelim lah... my english, math n chinese ok lah... but then MY SCIENCE HAVE TO IMPROVE MY PSLE!!! (if not i can nvr reach 240)

her at 4:11:00 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

HEY people.. lillian FORCE me to post so here i am... POSTING AGAIN... nvm.. i dunno what to write... oh, anyways, IM GOING TO MY COUSINS HSE TODAY!!! u may think going to cousins hse is nothing to be glad abt... but then stay at hm very boring... i wan to go out...(:

ugh... i dun wan to go back to school..): i dun wan to change back our seats... i dun like my group...): i wan to stay at my exam seat... (even if theres no fan..very hot) i dun wan to sit next to SOMEONE..(its a bit rude to write her name here but then u should noe who she is once u finish reading this) she very odd... she like come frm another planet..): very freaky... she very blur oso... when i ask her to hand up her work she pretend not to hear me(maybe she did not even hear me) then she continue reading under her table(if tts what shes doing)...then i must bang on her table then she will notice me then she will like 'huh?'... S-U-P-E-R irritating!!! then end up she oso nvr do her hw...--" she almost everyday nvr do hw one... on the spot then she does it(when teacher collecting it lah)... usually its like tt... but i hope we change seats... i mean change the seating position in the group... then i dun need to sit next to her anymore...(:

aiya... i very sad... hols going to be over already!!!!>.< i hope it nvr ever ends... tt will be very fun then dun need to go to school ever again...(:

her at 10:04:00 AM

Saturday, August 30, 2008

H-O-L-I-D-A-Y!!!! I'm so super super super super duper duper duper H-A-P-P-Y!!! but then except 4 the hw...): but then WHO CARES!!! holiday! holiday! holiday! holiday! GOT. NO. SCHOOL.

anyways, today very boring n have nothing to write.. so, bare with this stupid(lame) post.. i think today I'm going to my grandmama's hse... her hse very boring..): i dun feel like going... i very sad... but then i think IM GOING SHOPPING after that!!! whoohoo!!! i cannot wait... omgosh.. my sis is watching pokemon(she is 13, mind u).. she likes it SO much... she watches it every sat...(: i told u this post is very lame... n have very random stuff.. aiya... got nothing to write oso... n lillian want me to post more often... i post very often already.. so if lillian want me to post even more often then will have a lot of this kind post..--" heehee... byebyez..(:

her at 9:56:00 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

GOT BACK ALL MY MARKS!!! i got super low 4 science...): not even a 70...): but then at least i nvr fail...(: i put a lot of smiley n happy face hor? very hard to read... n i get irritated at it...>.< nvm... i think im very lame...(: see? i put another smiley face!!! --"

i show my marks now...( actually i dun wan to but then i just feel like... dun say anything abt my marks arh... here goes:

english: 80.5/100(not too bad... but then i wan HIGHER!!!)
chinese: 74.5/100(i miss A by 0.5 marks!!! so P-I-S-S-E-D)
maths: 95/100(I'M HAPPY... even if 4 SOME people it considered low)
science: 65.5/100(ARGH!!!)

i dunno HOW i got so low 4 science... my sis can get A* 4 science prelims n psle... i dunno how she study(actually she DOESN'T study) i dun study oso lah... but then i still cannot get as high as her... maybe she listens in class...but then its not TOTALLY my fault... mr david very lousy teacher.. he all the ws oso give us the ans... ugh..): anywayzz, guess wat is my agg??? I GOT 236
!!!!! im quite happy... but then my sis got like 26 something 4 prelims... (tts wat SHE said) at least i improve by... 16 marks since CA1.. tts quite ok... gd thing i didnt DEPROVE by 16 marks... if not I'll only get.....wat is 220 minus 16? isit 204? i think so... ya.. i will only get 204... tt is IF i deproved by 16 marks since CA1...hee... I. GOT 2. 3. 6...!!! (im not sure whether im supposed to be happy)....>.<

her at 2:33:00 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! got back SOME prelim marks already... i improved quite alot 4 maths... im happy(: but then chin barely improved at all...): but then at least i improved(: hee... smile smile smile smile smile smile...(: english n science have not got back the full paper yet...): mr david today got his lesson he still nvr let us see our marks... so bad one he...): at least mrs quek n lao shi let us noe our marks...(mrs quek-maths)

MY MATHS I IMPROVED BY 9 WHOLE MARKS!!!(not telling the marks in this post.. not in ANY posts, in fact..) im so super super super super super super super super duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper H-A-P-P-Y!!! even my mum say very good..(: my maths, i mean) but then when i told her my chin same as SA1 she said 'ahhhhhhhh' (sarcarstic).. very irritating... at least i nvr deprove...(: n my chin compo got improve!!! a lot of subjects(math n chinese) i improve...(: i so happy......................................................................................

but then got nothing to post... my life very B-O-R-I-N-G... ):

her at 4:42:00 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH!!!! chinese exam was so H-A-R-D!! i hope i dun fail..( i dun think so) listening compre was EVEN H-A-R-D-E-R!!!! OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH!!! y is chinese so hard!!!! ugh... i tot it was going to be easy cos the math n english wasnt so bad... but then it is the hardest among the three... ):

i think im going to get lower than sa1...): sa1 i improve by 9 (!!9!!) marks.. from ca1 lah.. duh.. but then sa1 was not tt hard lah... not as hard as this DUMB prelim!!! i so scared to get back my marks... if not i must(MUST) show my mum then she will definitely comment... sa1 when i show her all my marks she keep comparing with the mean mark 4 the whole level the she go n say 'y all ur subjects below average one!'.. not my fault lah... its just tt the other pupils too smart... not i too dumb.. hee...(: i hope prelim ALL MY MARKS WILL BE ABOVE AVERAGE... then i will be so happy... n my mum will jump 4 joy until she hits the ceiling...(maybe i will hit the ceiling then she will hit THROUGH the ceiling).. she noes im not as smart as my sis...(: my sis got A* (!!*!!) 4 science in PSLE!!!! nvm lah... i dun care anymore.. byebye..(:

her at 2:10:00 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

woooohoooo!!! psle oral LONG over already but then i still feel very H-A-P-P-Y!!! i dunno y i so happy!!!! maybe bcos prelim english oso over...(: the written paper a little bit hard 4 SOME ques but then the listening was quite easy... i hope i get full marks 4 listening... i so wan to get A* 4 english...(this is a very S-H-O-R-T post..)

her at 3:16:00 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

YAY!!! english oral 4 plse over already!!! but then i rather chinese oral over... but then at least one of the exams 4 psle is O-V-E-R!!!! i so happy... but then maybe(just maybe) im a little bit jing zhang (i use Chinese word!!! so clever of me) 4 chinese oral.... i not sure whether i so happy tt English oral is over or is it whether i scared 4 Chinese oral the my stomach feel like got butterflies like tt...):

the english teacher so nice... she keep smiling... but then when got to the conversation part i almost DIED!!!! i show u the worst part of the conversation( i cant really remember but i try to type out)

" tell me one of the competitions tt u watched"
"errr... football?"(tt was the first thing tt came into my mind)
" do u like it?"
"ya..(no)"(as if.. i dun even watch)
"y do u like it?"
"it is very exciting?"(I HAD NO IDEA WAT I WAS TALKING ABT)
"y do u think it is exciting?"
"errrrrrrrr....-long pause- i dunno..."(how would i noe.. as i said, i dun even watch it..--")
"did u noe what teams were playing?"
"im not sure..."(duh... --")

tt is only part of it lah... then the teacher just skip tt topic then she just asked me whether i got join any competitions b4...( not going to talk abt tt part..) aiya!! dun care lah.. worrying oso will not change my marks... ): but then i hope i get A* 4 English... cos my science cannot get A* n i wan to get at least 2 A*s... Chinese of course cannot lah... ugh... gd bye!(very sudden hor...)

her at 12:29:00 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

heellllloooo!!!! i seem to post everyday...heehee...(: but i dun care! like who cares lah...

today in church so boring... cos i go to the adult service then the speaker talk like dunno HOW long long lah... i almost fell asleep... i wanted to but then got stranger next to me... i dun think my mum will allow oso lah... summore my sis go 4 the youth then during service i got no one to play with... if she come 4 adult service at least i can play with her... n she wans me to go 4 youth.. so dumb...( cos youth is 4 sec school...)-.-"

after service i had this super super super super super super super super super super duper(as my mum calls it) spicy curry.. i didnt think it was very hot... but then after i ate a lot then it became spicy... n they give so little drink...

it was raining VERY hard and then we had to wait a LONG(n i mean LONG) time 4 it to stop then we could go hm...unless we wan to walk in the rain... so we waited then i once again almost died of boredom(however it's spelled..) i was like walking here n there... had nothing to do.. my life is so boring... got nothing to post... ugh... bye...):

her at 4:24:00 PM

Friday, August 8, 2008

WHOO HOO!!! i so happy! monday got no school! so its long weekend! NOW i feel very high!! not like the last time i posted(which was not very long ago)..(:but then got alot of hw... alot of science n chinese...): so i dun feel high anymore...BUT THEN GOT LONG WEEKEND!!!(: i feel high NOW!!! ugh...NOW i feel so sian.. dun wan to do my work... dun wan to pack the coffee table(which i messed up...) ugh...

but at least today is only friday!! so happy... in school the national day concert was like super super super super super super super duper B-O-R-I-N-G... the songs were horrible... i find the teacher sing very lousy(not saying tt i can sing properly lah..).. she spoil the song oso... ugh... n mrs quek was like, cannot put the flag on the floor! something abt respecting singapore or something like that... i feel very very very very very very very very very very sian now.. dunno wat to write already...byebye(:

her at 5:35:00 PM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OH. MY. GOSH!! i just realized that psle oral is like next thurs!!!! (isit?) i not sure lah... but then im so freaked out!!!! i hope i dun fail can already... as long as iget at least half the marks then can...

today got hw, more hw, n MORE hw... n i dun even wan to do... ugh.. UGH! i just realized tt all the hw is Chinese!!!! UGH!!!! i like Chinese but then i dun like to do Chinese hw... i dun wan to do... i dun wan to do... i dun wan to do... i dun wan to do... ): so sad... i MUST do..

i cant wait to get my preliem(or however u spell it) oral marks... i hope im not the lowest... maybe not lah... but then not very far from the lowest, i think... i hope not lah.. duh.. i dun wan to study(not saying tt i do lah...) but then i wan to get HIGH marks... impposible right? but i hope a MIRACLE can happen then i get 260(240 i happy already.. actually 230 i happy...) 4 psle!!!! dream on lah keren..ugh... im not in a good mood... byebye..<3

her at 5:09:00 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008

helllloooo!!!!!!!! i got so much hw.. i dun wan to do.. i got like one eng test and a chin test... to other people may seem very little but to me its A LOT...=(i dun wan to do...

i so happy!!! on my other chin test i got 88/90!!!! but then i dun think i did it myself.. i can't get SO high.. by myself, i mean... but i dun care... as long as i can do it can already.. but then when i saw the new chin test look so hard!!!! i doubt i did the previous test by myself... i think im going to fail this one... at least lao shi let us do at home..

i dun feel like doing anything now...(beside posting this, i think its very lame) I FEEL VERY HIGH!! dont do anything to spoil my mood...=) heehee... byebye..=)

her at 6:34:00 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

woohoo!!!! TODAY MY DADDY'S BDAE!!! like anyone cares lah... only me... heehee! (:

today got like one whole science test paper!!! i dun wan to do... anyway tmr got no science i care lah... i do tmr... i bet i will still finish on time lah... (hope so) my friend coming to spleepover on fri!!! i cannot wait...(not at all)<3

aiya... got nothing to write.. wat do people write on their blogs anyway? theres like pratically nothing to write at all... so boring... ugh...

her at 5:46:00 PM

Monday, July 28, 2008

omgosh... im so going to delete that post.. not now lah... dun wan to waste my time.. ugh...

her at 8:37:00 PM

to invade your blog obviously.
i shall now leave.
i'm so nice
-hysterical spasms of evil cackles-
now time for spamming.
no wait.
not spamming
let's talk about you.
i shall leave now. xDD.
okay bb
no deleting this post okay.
or ackpthhh.

her at 8:33:00 PM