Thursday, October 23, 2008

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! today funfair so fun!!!! but then we barely played anything... i painted my nails!!! (cos lillian wanted so i did too...) it is ok... but then i just realised i had piano lesson 2day n i wonder wat the teacher would say... so embarrassing...--"

oh, n nicole had like 50 dollars... cos some supposed to be donated n she didnt donate it so she ended up with like so many sheets of coupons... so after the funfair was going to be over, when we realised tt she had so many left, we were like(u may be wondering who the 'we' is... it is nicole, charis, vannessa, lillian n me!) running around looking 4 'junk' to buy... we ended up buying A LOT of art n craft thingys... so funny lor... aiya, too many things to write... very lazy... (: we took many photos oso... n... i cant think of anything else... ><

her at 2:07:00 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL DAYS LEFT!!!! ^^ n summore the two days r funfair n the graduation party(what to wear?!?!?!?)... but then the graduation party only takes up2 hrs of school days... then the rest of the hrs still school... but then got no work so its fine... (:

i went to lillian's church plse camp... it was so fun!!!! but then so sad for the games i not same group as lillian n charis... ): but then at least we slept in the same room...(: oh, n lillian, r u trying to say i am the weird one or qiu jing (is tt how her name is spelled?) is the weird one...(in ur blog u said so... if u dun get wat i mean) i find qiu jing very weird... >< no offence to her though... ^^ the sleeping part was ok lah... but then the first night when i slept on the sleeping bag(i didnt bring so i used charis's) i barely slept at all lors...): the floor so hard then i got no pillow oso... but then second night was better... i slept on the bed... the bed was not very soft but then it was better(MUCH) than the sleeping bag. but then i shared a blanket with lillian n she kept pulling it away frm me n was like freezing lor.. she so mean.. n before we slept was so fun!!! we tou1 tou1 ate(when we are not supposed to) in the middle of the night, cos we could not fall asleep n we were hungry.. so fun.. the games were ok lah... the first evening the game was so fun!!! we had to use a cup to wet ourself until this person(dun ask which person) will say we r wet enough then we have to go to this tub of water(not very shallow) with grapes inside then we must use our mouth to try to pick up 3 grapes... tt part was hard.. then later we had to use our mouth(again)to try to pick out a marshmallow from a pile of flour(the marshmallow was inside) part was hard too... especially when ur face is wet then the flour will stick to ur face... last but not least, there were 4 people holding this sheet(?) with water n flour(?) inside n try to find a soap bar or something like tt... tt was easy.. (: then we had to run back to our group... so fun so fun so fun... the other games were ok ok lah... the food oso ok ok lah... but then i tot there was going to be only one or two wet games but then practically ALL the games were wet... not all.. but most...

anyways, the camp overall was super duper fun lor... heehee..ok...wadeva... so wat to wear 4 the graduation party ar??? i got nothing to wear!!! i think i just wear a skirt(?) n a shirt n tick a random box 4 the theme thingy... (wadeva i'm talking abt) ^^ oh! n i cant believed i missed a grand total of four episodes(2 shows ma) of t.v shows during the camp!!!! actually i could watch during the camp but then lillian didnt allow sad hor... summore i let her watch her show :(

her at 12:40:00 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

P.S.L.E IS OVER!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! graduation party is coming!!! fun fair!!!! argh!!! (nice 'argh') im so the very the very the very the very the very happy lor... >.< but then we study 6 (!!6!!) years 4 this then its over in like, 4 DAYS?!?!?!?! but then i very happy... from today onward dun need to worry abt studying or hw or ....... work(?) anymore!!!!(: got so many fun things to look forward to(except social etiqutte, hip hop(?!?!?!) n rock climbing)... hees(sounds like im 'hissing')... tt is like practically everything? but then still got other FUN things!!!!! as in 'fun'... if u get wat i mean...--" i dun get wat i mean.... nvm....

i hope i did well 4 science... so far i got like SOOO many mistakes in the sec A... ): i so sad lor...but then who cares!!! i get to watch t.v... i always get to but then the hols coming then can watch like 24 hrs a day? maybe just 23 lah... need one hr to eat!!! no... maybe 20... i need 4 hrs to eat!!! eat eat eat eat eat alot!!! all junk food though...(: then i get fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat!!!! but i dun wan to get fat...(even if lillian says tt im already fat cos i eat so much, i dun care... i dun think im fat... as in annette's kind of FAT) i so hope she isnt reading this... heehee...y should i care if she does anyway?! not like i like her right? ewwww... i dun think she has any 'friends'... she just like stick to anyone... so irritating...>.< my hand so tired liao... i dun like typing... (: so get tired very fast...(:

PSLE IS OVER!!!! (just to keep u happy!!!)

her at 5:22:00 PM